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Fact or Misconception? The Real Deal About Common Coffee Myths

Coffee has provided a much-needed pick-me-up vibe to people of all ages and lifestyles for many years. A well-brewed cup of coffee also has a deep, smooth flavour that is one of life's greatest simple joys. As an everyday drink we talk a lot about it and some of those are truths and some are just myths. But as we consume it almost daily, (sometimes even multiple times a day), we must know what is true about this drink and what's not.

As a reliable coffee roaster in Melbourne, we at Gridlock Coffee Roasters believe in providing the actual facts about your most beloved drink, coffee. We not only deliver fresh aromatic high-quality coffee, but also want all the coffee drinkers to know ins and outs about what they are having. Keeping that in mind, let's review some of the most widespread myths and learn whether those are truth or a lie.

Busting 7 Coffee Myths and Understanding the Actual Fact Behind It

Coffee advertises itself as a tasty, natural beverage with high caffeine content and a host of potential health advantages, yet there are many misconceptions about it that are just incorrect.

Let's examine some of the most common myths about coffee-

Myth 1: Coffee will dehydrate your body

Reality: Coffee's caffeine has long been believed to have a diuretic (fluid loss) effect that dehydrates people. But have you ever considered what causes dehydration? Lack of enough water in our body, right? However, according to studies, black coffee contains more than 95% water, so how will it cause dehydration? The fact is that regular, moderate coffee use can help with daily fluid intake. It won't cause dehydration if taken regularly and in moderation as part of an everyday lifestyle. Experts recommend three to five cups of coffee each day as a reasonable amount.

Myth 2: You should cut off your coffee intake while on a weight-loss journey

Reality: When we consistently consume more kilojoules (energy) than we require, we gradually gain weight. As coffee has some energy benefits to offer, some people believe it can't be a part of your weight-loss diet. Black coffee consumption has been linked to weight loss in a number of ways, both directly and indirectly, according to research. For instance, if you make your drink with the best-quality coffee beans in Melbourne, within just five minutes of consumption, its caffeine molecule can raise the body's rate of fat burning by 10%. Additionally, caffeine increases energy levels, which means that you will get more energy to do exercises and burn more calories.

Myth 3: Coffee can clear your head after having too much alcohol

Reality: In many movies we have seen, to sober up quickly, characters drink a cup full of coffee after having too much alcohol. The truth is coffee fails to help in the removal of alcohol from the body; only time will do that. Headaches, fatigue, and plenty of other bodily discomforts are common symptoms of a hangover. Alcohol causes your body to become dehydrated; therefore, consuming any kind of beverage will assist your body replace the lost fluids and make you feel better. Additionally, the caffeine in the coffee may help you feel more energised, which may create the impression that it is easing your hangover. However, it is incorrect to say that coffee will assist you in getting sober while you're still inebriated.

Myth 4: To lower your caffeine intake, stop drinking coffee

Reality: Yes, coffee is a high source of caffeine, but did you know it isn't the only source present in your diet? Caffeine comes from a variety of sources throughout the day, including coffee. Chocolate, tea, energy drinks, cola drinks, and sports supplements can all add to the regular caffeine intake. So, simply just cutting back on coffee won't really help. Moreover, experts internationally claim that per day caffeine consumption is considered moderate for up to 400mg, which is almost 5 cups of coffee. For pregnant women, the moderation limit is up to 200mg per day.

Myth 5: Coffee is an addictive drink

Reality: It is true that once you have started drinking this delicious drink, there is no going back. But does it mean it's addictive? Based on the claims of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a coffee habit is a "dependence" that can be broken without causing self-destructive behaviours or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. However, withdrawal from coffee might cause a slight headache or grumpiness, but compared to a real addictive substance which causes worse symptoms than this, it shouldn't really be called addictive.

Myth 6: Darker roast coffee contains more caffeine

Reality: One of the most common misconceptions we hear is that coffee with a darker roast contains more caffeine than coffee with a lighter roast. If you didn't know any better, you might also assume that coffee with a darker roast contains higher levels of caffeine, but in reality, this isn't the case. Dark, medium, or light roasting of coffee beans will only change the coffee's flavour when it is brewed. This misconception arises from people's association of darker roasts' stronger flavour with higher caffeine levels, which is just a myth.

Myth 7: You should store coffee in the refrigerator to keep it fresh

Reality: Some people suggest keeping the coffee beans in the fridge and claim it will last longer in this way. Even if the beans are kept whole, putting your coffee in the refrigerator exposes it to moisture and odours, which will make it stale. Therefore, storing your coffee in the fridge won't extend its shelf life. The impact is essentially the reverse. If you buy coffee online in Melbourne from Gridlock Coffee Roasters, you can get yourself a subscription and get the correct quantity at the right time of the month. In this way, you are buying the required amount that you can keep in an airtight container in a dry, cold, and dark place to preserve its authentic flavours.

Last Words

As one of the world’s most popular drinks, coffee is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. However, we want all our consumers to know the facts regarding their favourite beverage. To learn more about perfectly roasted coffee and explore different flavours in your regular coffee, don't forget to visit us.

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